Sunday, April 11, 2010

New Day

We made it through another year anniversary of our loss. It may seem redundant to someone who has never lost a child and they may question why all the emotion. I do have a deep empty void for my parent who I lost in the 80s and my brother a few years ago. There's no easy path in life when someone we love dies. Losing a child, the child you carried inside your body and gave birth to means losing a part of yourself. I've heard people say they never expect their child to die before them. In the course of life, it is the old ones who go first, but in reality that's not the way it is.

In my life, I've had children who when they were babies were in the hospital with serious illnesses and needles stick in their beautiful fragile bodies. It is so tearful and hurtful to experience a baby ill in the hospital. The experience of a full grown son is no less painful.

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